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What is included in the daily operation and maintenance of the shared power bank

2022-09-19 10:43:26 Shenzhen Zhongxinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Whether it is eating or sleeping, it is the dream of many people that the mobile phone has always made money into the account. The pipeline income of this rent collection model makes many friends yearn for it. Shared power bank is such a product. By giving the merchants a share, you can continue to "lay down and earn" income, so as a shared power bank agent, what is included in the daily operation and maintenance?

1. Development of new merchants

Only by laying out the shared power bank equipment can someone rent it to generate income. As an agent of the shared power bank, it is necessary to keep in mind the original intention, continue to develop new merchants, and spread the equipment out, so that a steady stream of pipeline income can be generated. Developing new merchants should be something that every shared power bank agent must do with perseverance.

2. Check the online status of the equipment

After the agent buys the device, there will be a separate background management device. Some are small program backgrounds and some APP backgrounds. No matter what method is used, you can see a very important data in the background, that is, the online and offline rates.

For example, an agent has spread out 100 sets of equipment, most of which are catering and entertainment venues. Then at 7 o'clock in the evening, it should be the peak period of equipment rental. At this time, seeing equipment offline means that the merchant has not taken your equipment at all. When the equipment is powered on, it cannot be rented if it is not powered on. When the equipment is offline for more than 24 hours, a return visit should be made in time, and the situation should be dealt with in a timely manner.

3. Charging treasure scheduling of equipment

For example, in some bars and shared power banks in stations, many of them will be directly taken away by customers and bought out. At this time, if the equipment is not replenished in time, users may face no treasure to rent. Naturally, the returns are low.

In other merchants, there are relatively few charging treasures rented, but if they are returned to the merchant in another place, the charging treasure will be full, and the customers who need to return cannot return it. At this time, the agent needs to pop up the charging treasure in the background and take it away. Two or three confessions were returned by customers in different places.

shared power bank

Fourth, the regular cleaning and disinfection of the power bank

No matter who it is, they will not refuse clean things. For example, the same two power banks, one is cleaned regularly and the other is not cleaned. In the long run, the equipment outside will be very dirty, resulting in a decrease in the rental rate. , Especially for some restaurants, the power bank has been polluted by oil and other pollution for a long time. If no one cleans it, it will be very dirty, and no one is willing to rent this kind of power bank.

In addition, during the current epidemic, such as some hospital scenes, all charging treasures are required to be disinfected every day, so clean charging treasure products can greatly improve the rental rate.

This is also the reason why many agents spread out equipment and find that the income in the early stage is not bad, but the income in the later stage continues to decline, which may also be the reason.

Five, avoid high temperature rain

Some merchants do not have a place to put them at the front desk, so the agent is equipped with a display rack and put it at the door, but some merchants will hang it on the charging treasure equipment when it rains at the door, which will reduce the service life of the charging treasure and cause leakage. and other risks.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to place the equipment at the entrance, so that it is conspicuous and the rental rate is high.

6. Do a good job in after-sales service

Shared power bank is an electronic product, and it is inevitable that there will be after-sales problems. If you deal with customer complaints in a timely manner, you can maintain a better relationship with merchants, and can also greatly improve brand recognition and re-lease rates. You can also get business recommendations, so after-sales service is critical.

The above are some of the daily operation and maintenance content of shared power banks. Of course, if you want to do well in the shared power bank industry, you still need to continuously accumulate high-quality merchants and continuously spread out machines, so as to achieve the purpose of "laying and earning". STW Technology provides a one-stop shared power bank agent franchise service, and the cooperation and profit sharing are 100%. Welcome to consult and visit the company for on-the-spot investigation and negotiation.